Chaca Rice Processing Initiative

Supporting healthy eating, local farming communities and the environment.
2019 SEED Africa Award Sustainable Agriculture Chama District, Muchinga Province, Zambia

The Chaca Rice Processing Initiative uses state of the art processing techniques to process grade brown/ white rice and rice by-products. Chaca is focused on creating a market for small scale rice farmers while creating revenue streams from its zero-waste processing approach. 

They produce rice husk charcoal for rural and urban consumers, thereby reducing the indiscriminate cutting of trees, rice bran oil which is a healthy food alternative and rice bran cake and broken rice to feed small livestock. They are engaging and training local farmers and youth in climate change responsive agriculture practices land restoration initiatives.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts

Chaca trains women in eco-friendly agricultural practices. It promotes women's economic empowerment both in its enterprises and those it buys its products from, thereby contributing to rural household income and poverty reduction in general.

The enterprise reduces deforestation through rice husk charcoal production and continuous tree planting initiatives by local farmers and youth.

  • Training women farmers eco-friendly agricultural practices and small livestock rearing
  • Strengthening income generation initiatives of rural women, so income generated can be directed to the educational needs and nutrition improvement of their children
  • Using rice husk to produce rice husk briquettes which will replace the use of wood and prevent further cutting down of trees
  • Initiating tree planting exercises by local farmers and youth to contribute to forest restoration
  • Collaborating with local women and youth in collecting used plastic water bottles which will be reused in eco-friendly agricultural programmes (young tree irrigation)
  • Buying paddy rice and securing a market for it for local farmers thus contributing to rural household incomes
  • Employing local people to work at the enterprise processing



This enterprise is supported through its partnerships with various stakeholders, ranging from national and international organisations, investors, research institutes, suppliers, governmental bodies, NGOs, other social and environmental enterprises and more.

Private Enterprise Programme Zambia have been financing business consultancy and supporting Chaca’s business establishment.

JESTC Business Consultants has been working with Chaca Rice Processing Initiative in providing them with practical hands-on business mentorship since March 2018.

Misamfu Regional Research Centre, working with Chaca in out-grower training, providing improved rice varieties and agronomic rice production techniques.

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Canaan Bana
Tel: +260973590080

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